The Real Con: inertia and consistency

Nothing works unless we work. You may have heard of the phrase “nothing changes if nothing changes.”

Every morning I take vitamins, creatine, and a greens supplement to try to make my body stronger and less susceptible to aging.

However, if I don’t work, none of these supplements will do the job. To get the most out of vitamins, I need to eat healthy and drink water. To get the most out of any protein or creatine supplement, I need to strength train. To recover from my work, I must prioritize sleep.

An English physicist and mathematician born in the 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered his First Law of Motion around the late 1600’s.

Newton’s first law states that if a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. 

Inertia and motion. They are one in the same. Both describe the idea of consistency. If you do nothing, nothing will persist. If you take action, results will persist.

The essence of consistency is in showing up every day. We become what we repeatedly do. If you skip a workout it is easy to skip the next one. If you are late on a report deadline, it is easy to excuse the next deadline. If you plan ahead, it becomes easier to plan ahead. If you practice saying no, gracefully turning down opportunities, it becomes easier to manage your time and attention. 

Consistency is a result of your choices. Will you constantly move your work forward or will you consistently sit on the sidelines idle, at rest?

In Book Five of his Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, noted the importance of the choices we make with our thoughts.

“The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.” - Marcus Aurelius

How often do you think about Inertia?

How much do you think about movement? 

Either one will determine the direction of your life and work.

Remember, a body is at rest or moving at a constant speed in a straight line, it will remain at rest or keep moving in a straight line at constant speed unless it is acted upon by a force. 

It is up to you to exert the force.

Imagine a wave smashing on a rock. The rock is an immovable force. No matter how savage the wave becomes, the rock stands its ground. Calm. Steady.

Inertia and consistency can be positive or negative forces in our lives. 

The choice is up to us. 

It depends on how we think about the forces in our lives. It depends on where we put in the work.

Stay sharp,



The Real Con

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