The Real Con: discipline over excuses

Running is one of the few simple disciplines that I have practiced for over half of my life. 

My work, my life, and my mind are all better when I run consistently and frequently. I actually feel better the more I run. Hottest part of the day, I want to run. Coldest day of the year I want to run. Running for me is relaxing. It is also a way for me to practice discipline. Because there are many days that I do not want to run, I try to overcome the excuses and do it anyway. I love the idea of practicing things I do not want to do. 

In September 1939, Alan Turing joined the Government Code and Cypher School where he worked at the wartime headquarters in Bletchley Park. At the time, the Germans used a code machine known as Enigma to send encrypted messages. 

Simply possessing the cipher did not allow one to decode the messages. One needed the actual operating procedures used by the Germans to decode the radio messages.

Turing’s job was intense. His physical discipline of running was also intense. The consistency and discipline of his physical training contributed to his success in developing the Bombe in 1940. The Bombe was a code-breaking machine that allowed analysts to decode about 39,000 intercepted messages each month.

Turning used running as a way to focus and calm his mind. He made his mind strong by making his body strong. He was not just out for a 20 minute jog at a slow pace. He was clocking runs fast enough to place only 10 minutes off the Olympic Gold medal pace of his day.

"I have such a stressful job that the only way I can get it out of my mind is by running hard; it's the only way I can get some release." - Alan Turing

How often do we forgo the discipline of being physically active? The more stress you endure at your work, the more likely you need to stress your body on your own.  

Too many times, we make excuses on why we don’t have time. On why we need to do more work. But what happens when your work is sloppy? What happens when you are distracted and can’t focus on your work? What happens when you are unable to distinguish the urgent from the important? 

Running, or any physical activity, will actually make your mind sharper. Physical training, or PT,  will make your work more productive. It will almost always improve the quality of your life. 

What discipline are you practicing consistently? How do you use discipline to overcome your excuses?

Plutarch, in writing about the Greek ruler Solon, realized how important discipline was to maintaining composure.

“Solon was mindful here that it is a sign of an undisciplined nature and of a lack of training to be able to control one’s temper.” - Plutarch, On Solon

How are you physically training yourself in order to perform at a higher level mentally? 

When asked about my competition, and how I’m different, I wish I could simply reply that I will run them into the ground.

We forget that work is a part of life and life is a part of work. We would all do better if we remember that the mind is a part of the body and the body is a part of the mind. 

We would all likely perform better at work with a stronger mind. Stronger minds start with having a strong body. 

Taira Shigesuke knew what it meant to live a valiant life in his writing on the rules and expecations of Bushido. Four hundred years prior to Turing and 1,600 years after Plutarch, Shigesuke describes the warrior’s path.

“He keeps fit, and because he wants to accomplish something significant in life he always takes care of his health, moderating his diet, and avoiding drink.” - Taira Shigesuke, Code of the Samurai

This idea is not new to the modern world. It is not unique to ancient Greece. It is not only found in the warrior culture of the ancient Samurai. It is instinctive. It is encoded in us as humans.

Strong bodies are a direct result of discipline over excuses.

Stay sharp,



The Real Con

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